Open A ELO>1500
Open B ELO<1700
Rate of play 90’+30’’
Tivoli (RM) – Italy
Palazzo del Seminario Vescovile
Piazza del Seminario 9
With the patronage from the city of Tivoli
45 €
30 € for Scacchi Valle Aniene members
Free for IMs & GMs ELO > 2.300
Players must register on Vesus
The transfer has to be addressed to the following IBAN
IBAN: IT28E0538739452000047588173
to Associazione Dilettantistica Scacchi Valle dell’Aniene
In the reason for transfer specify name and surname, registration to the 3rd City of Tivoli tournament
The receipt has to be sent no later than january the 11th to the following e-mail address
For any doubts or clarifications, please contact the following number exclusively via whatsapp
+39 328 629 5973€
January 13th
January 14th
January 15th
Awarding ceremony to follow
1st 400 € + Trophy
2nd 250 € + Trophy
3rd 150 € + Trophy
1st 150 € + Trophy
2nd 80 €
2nd 60 €
U18: born from 2005 to 2006
U16: born from 2007 to 2008
U14: born from 2009 tol 2010
U12: born from 2011 to 2012 and beyond
Tournament valid for standand elo fide variation.
If the player reaches the chess board with over 60 minutes of delay, he/she will automatically lose the game. It’s absolutely forbidden to smoke (including electronic cigarettes).
By participating in the tournament each player implicitly agrees to the publication of some personal data (surname, name, category, elo) as well as for the results achieved and the pictures taken.
For minors, such permission is implicitly given by the parents. Tournament registration implies unconditional acceptance of the rules included in this document and any possible change decided by the organizers.
The tournament will follow the italian chess federation’s anti-covid protocol. For everything that is not contemplated here the tournament will follow the r.t.f. (national tournament regulation) and “the laws of chess”. Tie break criteria used for prizes assignation: buchholz cut 1, buchholz total, aro
Rate of play 90’+30’’
Tournament site
Paid parkings
two minutes from the tournament site
ten minutes from the tournament site
Free parking
15 minutes from the tournament site